
Character Development

Plot development is a key to successful writing. Equally important is creating intriguing characters. Together we will work to explore the proposed characters’ psychological presentation to enrich their presence in your work. By engaging in clinical interviews regarding your characters, writers develop a greater appreciation of the characters’ historical life, current and past cognitive, behavioral and emotional presentation, interpersonal, personality and communication styles, thought processes, fears, utilized psychological defenses, ambition, feelings toward self and others and personal strengths and weaknesses.

Interpersonal Dynamic Development

Every character conceived interact. Characters share with the audience how they navigate relationships with themselves and others. Even the best monologues charge characters to engage with aspects of the world and themselves in an interactive manner that elucidates who the person is in the context of relationships. In examining the characters and the environments/ situations in which they find themselves, we discover the idiosyncratic behaviors, symptoms, and attributes ascribed to your characters that ensure that they are both unique and honors your vision.

Set Accuracy

Characters are made rich by equally learning about the personality of the character and the world in which they navigate. The quality of the environment(s) characters find themselves in enriches our understanding of who the character is and who they develop to be. Together, PsychMinded Media collaborates to discuss crafting sets that best reflect the characters that have been created.

media analysis

Dr. Marshall Woods authors movie reviews that examine aspects of films and applies psychological theory to gain both a scholarly and practical utility to themes offered. Currently, Dr. Marshall Woods has composed movie reviews for various platforms that include PsycCritiques, an American Psychological Association (APA) journal and The Huffington Post. Currently, Dr. Marshall Woods’ blogs can be found on Thrive Global, Medium and select film festivals' newsletters.

plot analysis

Composing a rich plot that your characters are immersed in is the vehicle that enables the continued progression of the theme. Engaging in thematic conversations regarding the trajectory in which you wish your characters to develop assist in formulating a cohesive, compelling narrative to rivet audiences.

Diagnostic Accuracy

Audiences are riveted by understanding the human condition in nuanced detail. When filmmakers are successful in depicting the humanity in their characters, it creates a relatability that allows for the audience to connect with the characters in a meaningful way. When mental health conditions are portrayed, the responsibility for accuracy is imperative, as film and media have a reach that is unparalleled to other forms for communication. Join with PsychMinded Media to develop aspects of your character that honor who they are as well as honor the conditions in which they depict.

Festival Q&A Prep

Filmmakers create art that generates curiousity from its viewers. As the creator, it can be difficult to find words to articulate the nuances of the film that were able to be captured visually. PsychMinded Media works with filmmakers to develop language to engage with viewers to stimulate rich responses to inquiry and further discussion.