Katherine Marshall Woods, Psy.D.

Media Psychologist

Katherine Marshall Woods, Psy.D. is a media psychologist and a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington, DC.  She has lent her expertise to a number of media outlets, such as News Channel 8 in DC, National Public Radio (NPR), The Huffington Post, WHUR in Washington, DC and is the former host and coproducer of A Healthy Mind television show.  Dr. Marshall Woods works with actors, screenwriters, producers, and directors on theme and character development, set and diagnostic accuracy.

Traveling from east to west coast, Dr. Marshall Woods frequents as a panelist and moderator at film screenings and film festivals.  She is also a prize sponsor of the film festival Diversity in Cannes.  Her expertise in psychology and film has afforded her to lend her knowledge to countless documentarians on and off screen as a subject matter expert.  She also frequents working with filmmakers at various stages of film development and production.  Due to Dr. Marshall Woods extensive experience with treating and teaching at The George Washington University the subjects of trauma, crisis and healing, she provides on set support to cast and crew particularly when emotionally challenging topics are scheduled to shoot.

An avid author of two books: Best Psychology in Film (which has become a podcast and television show with UDCtv that she hosts and produces) and Black Film Through a Psychodynamic Lens Dr. Marshall Woods writes with the focus of sharing psychological knowledge with the public in an accessible manner.  Consequently, she was the chosen media psychology expert to contribute her expertise to the Handbook of Media Psychology, The Science and The Practice in the area of psychology in film.  Dr. Marshall Woods has also contributed to The Huffington Post, the former American Psychological Association’s PsycCRITIQUES, and currently writes with Psychology Today, Thrive Global and Medium within this arena.

Valuing education, Dr. Marshall Woods is a member of core faculty at The George Washington University.  She teaches Psychodynamics in Cinema and Trauma courses and has a research lab entitled Psychodynamic Media Set training students in the intersection of psychology in media works.

Further, she remains active in professional organizations as a continuing education leader, co-leading Psychoanalytic Takes on Cinema with the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis and as the founder of Cinematic Imprints with American Psychological Association’s Division 39, Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology.

Dr. Marshall Woods is acknowledged as a seasoned keynote and colloquium speaker receiving  accolades for her expertise in media psychology. She is described by audiences as innovative, thought-provoking, scintillating and instilling rooted wisdom.  *Upon request, book signings can be arranged with advanced notice.*

Keynote Addresses

Dr. Marshall Woods crafts her talks to encourage audiences to engage in a novel way.  Welcome her to share her dynamic research based insights with your organization. 

Past topics include:

  • Psychoanalytic Thought For and in the Media
  • The Influence of Media to Heal: Psychology, Film and Episodics in Psychotherapy
  • Psychology and Film: International and Cultural Perspectives
  • Psychoanalysis: Can We See Me, The Danish Girl (Film)
  • Film as a Teaching Tool of Diversity and Intersectionality: My Brother Nikhil (Film)

Panel Discussions

Dr. Marshall Woods offers scientific information that is geared to the public to share psychological concepts in a friendly manner.

Past panel discussions include:

  • Making a Psychological Movie
  • Emotional Abuse: Film Last Drop
  • Accessing and Utilizing Mental Health Services: Film DeNeering Perfection
  • Mindscapes: Exploring the Psyche in Cinema
Ezinna Anosike

Business Developer

Ezinna Anosike works creatively within the area of strategic marketing, activating relationships with filmmakers, and cultivating business collaborations. Her acumen has afforded her to engage in film festivals in the US and abroad and connect filmmakers to marketing opportunities on both television and print mediums.